Sunday, June 5, 2016

Always be Prepared

I have a slight obsession with being prepared. Part of that is because I never know where my mind will go and what I will need to appease it. Another reason is I need to deal with facts when faced with uncertainty or with emergencies. If I can focus on the facts and have some sort of action, I can make it through. Therefore I have always loved first aid and the gadgets that come in a good kit.

I was pleased to test out the 4" Trauma Bandage by #Ari_ale_Tools and review in exchange for two of the bandages being given to me at a discount or free. I just have to say kudos to the seller for offering two so I could open one to test and still have a sterile one to keep in my kit. I would still use the opened one for something like creating a splint, but the sterile one will be opened and used only for a wound that needs a pressure bandage.

I do have a 1" wide pressure bandage which acts more like a tourniquet. It works as it is supposed to, but I would caution against using it for an extended amount of time as the pressure applied to the limb could end up cutting the blood supply too much and, in certain circumstances, the limb would end up damaged or needing to be amputated. I don't ever see myself in a situation where that could occur, but who knows when the zombies will attack?

Anyway, back to the review. The one problem I had with this bandage is the inner wrapper. It comes packaged in a green outerwrap that has an easy "Tear Here" cut at one end.
The interior clear package does not. As I think through the possible need for this type of bandage I'm pretty sure that it would be for something that is bleeding badly. I would hate to lose precious time to find scissors or something sharp to open the inner wrap because I am sure I won't just put it in my teeth to open when I probably have someone else's blood on my hands.
The bandage comes with really nice instructions on the back of the packaging, which you see above. They were simple and straight forward. I kind of meshed them together into 4 photographs to make things easier on me. 

The first photo shows placing the bandage on the "wound" which I decided would be on the top of my left wrist. The thing that creates the pressure is on top of the wound. Next I wrapped the bandage around and over the pressure thingie and started to pull it through the white plastic. The third step of mine was to fold the bandage back over the top of the plastic pressure thing and tighten until comfortable. (I was pleased at how well the pressure was dispersed over the entire area). Once you have the pressure how you want it, continue to wrap the bandage around the limb until you get to the end. In the last photo you see where I started to use the clip at the end of the bandage to secure it.
There you have it!

I did give this bandage a 5 star review because it was simple to use on myself. I do suggest you get two if you have never used a pressure bandage before so you can practice and teach anyone who would have access to your first aid kit.

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