I have been pleasantly surprised with the #lotusyogawheel that I received from Lotus Brands, Inc. I was very surprised at how small it was compared to what I had expected. The listing on
amazon has photos of a woman with her spine along the wheel and it makes the wheel look like it is wider than it actually is. I have not measured the width, but if I had to guestimate, I would put it at around 8 inches wide. I would also guestimate the diameter to be around 20 inches.
The Yoga Wheel easily held my weight, as you can see in the photo on the right. I didn't notice any give in the wheel when I sat on it, but it could have moved a mm or three. It was surprisingly comfortable to sit on even though my knees ended up above my hips. It was also easy to balance on top of the wheel while sitting.
There were to potential issues that I wanted to point out. In the photo on the left you'll see the seam where the ends of the thick foam on the outside of the wheel meet. I wonder how long the seam will stay together as it did not really look like it was connected securely. Secondly, in the photo on the right, you should be able to see a small white mark along the bottom of the gold portion of the wheel (not the camera flash). It is a blemish in the gold colored coating and it makes me think there could be a future issue with strength of the interior of the wheel. Honestly both potential issues seem quite minor.

And then finally for your viewing pleasure are a couple of photos of me using the yoga wheel as it is supposed to be used. I had no issues when I laid my spine along the wheel and arched my back I felt very secure. I was even able to roll the wheel slightly back and get a very deep arch and then slightly forward to kind of put my body in a leaning back squat position.
Final verdict? I really like this yoga wheel. It is something I see myself using on a weekly, if not daily basis, to increase flexibility, to relax muscles and as a way to increase the strength of my core muscles. I highly recommend this!
I received this product at a discount or free in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.